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Vanessa Johnson

When I first heard of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) I was scrolling through Facebook while my husband was driving us to visit family. The book ‘Between Death And Life’ written by Dolores Cannon appeared. After reading the synopsis on the back cover I started crying. My husbands suggested this is a “sign”. I ordered the book instantly.

‘Between Death and Life’ sparked the light that is inside us all. That light was now a burning flame. I could not put the book down. I then ordered ‘Five Lives Remembered’, ‘The Three Waves Of Volunteers’ and ‘The New Earth’. All written by Dolores Cannon.

Five Lives Remembered became a family read. I would read it out aloud because everyone wanted to hear what was happening next. My daughter would grab the book off me as she can read faster.

Fast forward to One year later…I have successfully completed Level 1 training in QHHT and the advanced training Level 2 QHHT taught by Dolores’s daughter Julia Cannon. This included enhanced training in the core components of QHHT.
So who is the incredible Dolores Cannon?
Dolores Cannon along with her husband Johnny pioneered this amazing technique of Quantum Healing Hypnosis back in late 1968.

Over 50 years later and with 10s of thousands of people from all over the world all with diverse belief systems, religions and backgrounds have all made direct contact with their subconscious and past live adventures. This almost always held the answers to personal issues or health problems in their present life.

Like my daughter Caitlin who had been on a steroid medication almost daily, since a little girl. After I used the exact Dolores Cannon method of QHHT her lungs where healed and 11 months later she still hasn’t needed her Steroids. Caitlin had drowned in a past life, damaged her lungs and carried this through to this life.

I have learnt that I, the QHHT Practitioner facilitates the healing process through you, the client by simply asking questions. It is you, your higher self, your over soul, what ever you need to call it, that answers and does the healing. This is done in such a loving, safe environment.

Dolores Cannon was an international speaker who lectured on all continents of the world.  She wrote 19 books translated into 20 languages and was the first to receive the Orpheus Award for the highest advancement in the research of psychic phenomenon (Orpheus – a prophet from ancient Greece. The awards meaning is a magical, extraordinary ability that can make remarkable changes bringing with it peace and order)

My journey in life has truly prepared me for becoming a successful QHHT practitioner. As a young girl of 12 years old, my boyfriend and I discovered we were born on the same day and at the same time in the same year, 1968. He was killed in a car accident four weeks after we celebrated our Eighteenth birthday together. For Six weeks after his death he stayed with me. Yes like you’d see in a movie. His mother did not believe me and stated if he was to be with anyone it would be her. Both are hearts where shattered.

Ten years later I had dreamt of him excited to tell me that his mum was calling me today. Her first phone call to me since the day she and his family left the state not long after losing him. She called to apologize as she had just seen a physic, medium. They told her about her son and me and confirmed he did indeed spend Six weeks with me after his passing.

He occasionally visited me via dreams and we’d confirm he was really contacting me by confirming an event that he said would play out the following day.

I have many stories of seeing future events. I have always told the person it involves at least a year before the event plays out.

No I am not a medium. The messages have mostly been personal, for close friends and family or from loved ones that have passed just confirming all is ok.

My life has been bitter, sweet. The joy of four beautiful children, now some with children of their own, my precious grand babies.

I have held the hands of loved ones as they left this earth plane. Endured the pain of miscarrying too many unborn souls due to undiagnosed cancer. Like many I have said goodbye to too many family members way to soon. I now understand it all. Dolores Cannons 50 years of research answered all my questions. We are energy beings and energy cannot be destroyed.

I am the author of The hand book to healing from cancer; No Wig, written to educate others on how to beat an “unbeatable” cancer when like me, you’re told by the doctors you are terminal. The five year survival rate for adult cancer patients here in Australia is 2.3%. I thought outside the box and I am cancer free over fives years later.

My e book did reach Number 2 on Amazon. To purchase click the following link (remember to read ebooks you will need to download the free kindle app)

I honestly feel I have almost seen it all. A lot more than I have shared. And now I have finally found my purpose. A fulfillment and direction in my life through helping others.

This is a gift, a calling that is echoed in the testimonials I am receiving.
Through facilitating QHHT sessions I am able to make a positive impact on the world and the lives of others. QHHT has resonated with my soul and I have followed that inner calling.