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QHHT Session

About Your Session

 During your Past Live Regression, I will connect with your energetic soul. This archive of your soul’s journey can provide profound insights and clarity for your current life. A past life regression (QHHT) is a powerful technique for profound transformation. A spiritual experience that can reveal all answers to any life questions. This can include – 

  • Revealing karmic patterns & behaviors
  • What keeps you blocked in any area of your life
  • Your life purpose
  • Loved ones who are with you again in this life
  • Lessons you are here to learn
  • Answers to health challenges you may be experiencing
  • The reason for any phobias or fears you may have


This time typically begins with getting to know each other so I know how to guide your session. What you are seeking. I will explain the process, answer any questions you may have, and discuss your intentions and goals for your session. Next you will lay down and I will guide you into a state of deep relaxation using Dolores Cannons induction techniques. This is similar to a meditative state, where your body is deeply relaxed, so your mind becomes more receptive to accessing your higher soul. Everyone has access through the Theta brain wave. We all naturally access this state twice daily, just before going to sleep & just be waking up. It is that simply & so easy to do.

In the regression phase you will be in control and aware. You may visit one or more past lives. I will ask you questions to describe the scenes, people, and events from those past lives. This is all recorded for you to listen to again and again because that is where the magic is stored. You hearing you! The frequencies, vibrations of your own voice telling you about you. An incredible experience.

This exploration gives you insights into how past life experiences can influence your current life. Once revealed you will know and understand the cause of your “ailments” and in my experience the client is then released from these. 
When we’ve connected all the dots from past to present and looked at any health issues you may have we will finish the regression phrase and end our time together by talking about the experience you just had and any healing you may have received.

Most clients feel energized and uplifted after their session, especially when they have addressed past traumas and or unresolved issues. 

Let the wisdom of your souls journey give light to your current life situation.